CBS Affiliate Will Not Air
Sheehan Ad Because There Is "No Proof" Of Absence Of
WMD In Iraq...
Posted August 23, 2005 10:36 PM
Boise, Idaho affiliates CBS and FOX have refused to air a
television ad in which Cindy Sheehan asks President Bush
questions about the Iraq war.
Sheehan "claims the President lied about, among other
things, the presence of weapons of mass destruction in
Iraq,' said Jeff Anderson the Vice President of sales at
Fisher Broadcasting Inc., which owns KBCI (CBS). "There is
no proof that we are aware of regarding the truthfulness of her
claim. We require proof of claims such as this. Until that is
provided, our station will not carry this ad.'
The same ad began airing in Salt Lake City on Monday on NBC
CBS and FOX affiliates.
The timing of the ads coincides with the President's
visit to nearby Donnelly, Idaho where the President will be
staying through Wednesday.
To view the ad, go to and click on "Watch
Cindy's Message.'