Peace Rally Links 911 with Iraq
Peace Rally, 9/11 Walk Become Dueling Events
Antiwar Groups Assail Pentagon Tribute
By Petula Dvorak
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, August 28, 2005; Page C01
The war over the war is coming to Washington next month, with an event
sponsored by the Pentagon one weekend, a peace rally organized by antiwar
groups another and rancor swelling on both sides.
The Pentagon's Freedom Walk on Sept. 11 is billed as a memorial to victims
of the 2001 terrorist attacks and a show of support for those serving in the
military. Some have welcomed the event as a counter to the antiwar movement.
The antiwar protesters say it's an attempt to boost the war effort that is
orchestrated to preempt their peace rally.
That rally, planned for Sept. 24, is being organized by the ANSWER Coalition
and other groups as a major protest against the Iraq war, but other causes have
been tossed into the mix, including support for Palestinians and opposition to
U.S. policy in Haiti and the Philippines.
Some who support the rally say it is gaining momentum and supporters,
motivated by the recent protests outside President Bush's ranch near Crawford,
Tex., and the Freedom Walk.
Planning for the Freedom Walk began in July, when folks at the Department of
Defense said they wanted to create a national movement on Sept. 11 that would
begin in Washington and spread across the country in years to come, said
Allison Barber, deputy assistant secretary of defense for communications.
In the past few years, she said, "people rang bells, lit candles and held
vigils to remember lives lost on that tragic day. . . . But as a nation, we
didn't have a unified way to commemorate Sept. 11."
So officials at the Pentagon, where 184 people died in the attack, decided
to open the attack site and memorial chapel to the general public for the first
time Sept. 10. Then, for the next day, they planned the America Supports You
Freedom Walk, which will wend its way from the site to the Mall.
Some critics weren't originally against the commemoration. "I thought it
would've been a nice gesture if that's all it was. But I don't believe in tying
Sept. 11 to anything else," said Craig Sincock, whose wife died in the Pentagon
attack. "Now it's too big and there's too much. I'll go and support the troops
any day, but I won't support the troops on the back of my wife's death."
What soured Sincock and raised the hackles of antiwar groups was the Freedom
Walk's tie-in to the military's "America Supports You" campaign -- a Department
of Defense effort to bolster support for all U.S. troops, but primarily those
in Iraq.
"This is yet another attempt to link the war to Sept. 11," said Patrick
Resta, who served in Iraq last year as a combat medic and a member of the Army
National Guard. "My aunt and uncle were killed in the World Trade Center, so I
have strong feelings about this, and it's not right."
Sincock and some other family members of Pentagon victims will participate
in the less controversial Unity Walk, which will take mourners along Embassy
Row, stopping at churches, temples, mosques and other places of worship on the
afternoon of Sept. 11.
The Department of Defense has tried to be careful in shaping its walk, using
such words as "freedom" and avoiding any specific mention of the war on
The Washington Post and other corporate entities signed up as co-sponsors.
But critics from within the paper and from the antiwar movement said partnering
with the Pentagon raised questions about objectivity, and two weeks ago, The
Post pulled its co-sponsorship.
Other media co-sponsors -- WTOP radio, WJLA-TV and NewsChannel 8 -- plan to
continue their support.
The Riedel family of Burke, including Pentagon worker George, wife Laura and
children Katie and Timothy, visit the Pentagon memorial chapel for Sept. 11
victims. The chapel will open to the general public Sept. 10.
The Riedel family of Burke, including Pentagon worker George, wife Laura and
children Katie and Timothy, visit the Pentagon memorial chapel for Sept. 11
victims. The chapel will open to the general public Sept. 10. (By Susan Biddle
-- The Washington Post)
"I don't know what people can be critical of when you look at the purpose of
the Freedom Walk. It's to commemorate the victims of Sept. 11 and their
families and veterans, past and present," Barber said. "It's unfortunate when
things get misconstrued."
The other side sees plenty to criticize.
"There has been this perpetual linking of Sept. 11 to the war in Iraq by the
Bush administration, and this is another example of it," said David Portori,
who organized a group that advocates for a peaceful U.S. policy after his
brother died in the World Trade Center attacks. "There are 364 other days in
the year that the Pentagon can ask America to support the troops. Sept. 11
should be a day for honoring the dead, the innocents."
Organizers of the antiwar rally said they were very conscious about avoiding
that date. "We have steered clear of Sept. 11," said Brian Becker, national
director of ANSWER, an antiwar collective that demands a hands-off U.S. foreign
policy worldwide.
Opponents of the Freedom Walk see a pro-war side even in how the Department
of Defense is staging its event. When the walk was first publicized, each
participant was required to submit his or her name, age, e-mail address and
home address. After some groups accused the Pentagon of using the registration
as a recruiting tool for the military, the requirements were changed.
Barber said the government now asks for a full name, age group, T-shirt size
and e-mail address (each registered walker will get a T-shirt). Walkers have
until Sept. 9 to register, which can be done online. Several thousand have
registered, Barber said, saying that the process is like that for a 10K
The entertainment planned for the event has hit another nerve among critics.
A headliner, Clint Black, is to many an all-American country singer. "There
will be no speeches, no demonstrations," Barber said. "A guy like Clint Black,
he cares about our victims, our families."
But one of Black's signature songs, "I Raq and Roll" -- with lyrics about "a
high-tech GI Joe" with "infrared," "GPS" and "good, old-fashioned lead" --
makes others cringe. "That's just a very pro-war song and not right for this
kind of thing," Portori said.
Supporters of the walk say that all the complaints are pointless and that
there are no hidden motives.
"I know the Pentagon is trying to do the right thing," said Marcus Flagg, a
former Navy fighter pilot who lost both parents in the Pentagon attack. "I hope
this doesn't turn into a pro-war rally. I support the troops, sure, but that's
not what this is about."
The military overtones are inevitable, given that most of the victims in the
Pentagon attack worked for the armed services, Flagg said.
He added: "Yes, the Pentagon is putting it together. But the Pentagon was
attacked that day."