Sen. Arlen Specter: Novak column was a
malicious attack on ‘revered' staffer
The Union Leader
By Sen. ARLEN SPECTER Guest Commentary August 04, 2005
THE ROBERT NOVAK syndicated column dated July 21 libeled Ms. Bettilou
Taylor, who is one of the most respected, really revered, staffers after
serving 16 years in the United States Senate. During that time, she has been my
top aide on the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human
Services and Education, which I chair. For her superb work in assisting in
allocating $146 billion among important social programs, many, including
senators, call her Sen. Taylor.
The Novak column falsely and maliciously accuses her of conflict of interest
by orchestrating a hearing to grill Kenneth Tomlinson, chairman of the Board of
the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) while her husband consulted for
the Association of Public Television Stations.
The hearing was my idea. As chairman of the subcommittee which provides
funding for the CPB, I had to decide whether earlier proposed cuts in the House
were warranted and whether the Senate should add $35 million for digitalization
programs and $40 million for a new satellite system. Had the Novak column taken
the time to call me, the defamation could have been avoided; or, at least, the
other side given.
I know something about investigations, perhaps even about investigative
reporting, which, as a matter of basic fairness, involves talking to both sides
to find the facts.
When Mr. Tomlinson requested a pre-hearing meeting with me, I agreed
although it is relatively rare to take the time to do that because of our
crowded schedule. I listened to his views and previewed the questions I
intended to ask him, something I customarily do not do. Contrary to the Novak
column's minimizing Tomlinson's expenditure of $25,000 for lobbying
when a telephone call from Tomlinson could have avoided that expenditure, the
Corporation for Public Broadcasting can make better use of its limited funds
and obviously tight budget.
The Novak column says, "Sen. Arlen Specter, a busy man with multiple
duties, was understandably unprepared on July 11 as he chaired a rare Senate
Appropriations Subcommittee hearing about public television.' The Novak
column is wrong again. The word "unprepared' is not in my
vocabulary. As far as I'm concerned, there is nothing
"understandable' about being unprepared.
I am used to the criticism but it is inexcusable to defame a dedicated,
well-respected public servant like Bettilou Taylor.
Sen. Arlen Specter, R.-Pa., is chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee
and numerous subcommittees.