Swift Boat: Sinking in Their
Own Sea of Lies
Capitol Hill Blue
By WILLIAM D. McTAVISH Aug 20, 2004, 08:15
That gurgling sound you hear is the ever-increasing number of
leaks in the credibility of the so-called Swift Boat Veterans for
Yes, the Swift Boats are sinking in their own sea of lies,
sunk by a fusillade of reality that exposed the bitter old
Vietnam Veterans as just another Republican led and funded shill
operation for the Presidential campaign of George W. Bush.
Those who know how politics really work in Washington saw SBVT
for what they really were but that didn't stop them from
getting gobs of play from the right-wing ring of the media circus
and the ultra-conservative bulletin boards where lonely
Midwestern housewives and gullible retirees post hate-filled
screeds against anything that doesn't fit into their narrow
view of the world.
SBVT's public leader is John E. O'Neill, a
longtime GOP operative but he's been in the middle of these
things before. Back in 1971, O'Neill claimed to have formed
a group called Vietnam Veterans for a Just Peace, a bunch of
pro-war veterans sent out to counter the antiwar activities of
Vietnam Veterans Against the War, led by one John F. Kerry.
But, like SBVT, Vietnam Veterans for Just Peace was a shill, a
creation of President Richard M. Nixon's chief counsel (and
hatchet man) Charles Colson.
"We found a vet named John O'Neill and formed a group called
Vietnam Veterans for a Just Peace. We had O'Neill meet the
President, and we did everything we could do to boost his group,"
Colson admitted to reporter Joe Klein in a January 5 interview
published in The New Yorker magazine.
O'Neill is a documented liar. He tells interviewers that
he is "neither a Democrat nor a Republican,' but
Federal Election Commission records show he contributes only to
Republican candidates. He claims he has never been active
politically, but newspaper articles in his hometown of Houston,
Texas carry numerous accounts of his political activities on
behalf of the Republican Party.
He claims SBVT has raised $450,000 "mainly from small
contributors' but the IRS filings of the group show at
least $300,000 has come from two Texas millionaires with strong
ties to President Bush.
O'Neill co-authored the anti-Kerry diatribe called Unfit
for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry,
with Harvard PhD Jerome Corsi, a virulent, anti-Semitic,
anti-Catholic, homophobic right-wing author who posts
venom-filled attacks on conservative bulletin boards, calling
Kerry "John Fucking Commie Kerry' and Senator Hillary
Clinton a "fat hog.'
They based their book, and an accompanying attack television
ad, on accounts by Swift Boat vets who did not serve directly
with Kerry and several of whom have changed their stories or been
caught in lies of their own.
For example:
* Larry Thurlow, commander of another Swift Boat at the
same time as Kerry who claims the Presidential nominee lied about
being "under fire' when he earned a Bronze Star for
rescuing a Green Beret. Turns out Thurlow also received a Bronze
Star for the same action and his citation talks about being
"under heavy small arms fire.' Turlow claims he never
read the citation and it was wrong. The Green Beret Kerry rescued
tells a different story, saying he was under fire and sure he was
gonna die.
* George Elliott, a former Navy Lt. Commander who claimed
Kerry lied about his Vietnam activities, then recanted that story
in an interview with the Boston Globe, then recanted his recent.
Elliott also appeared at a rally in support of Kerry during one
of his Senate campaigns.
* Retired Admiral Roy Hoffman, on May 6, told Milwaukee
Journal Sentinel reporter Steve Schultze he had "no
first-hand knowledge to discredit Kerry's claims to valor'
and said that although Kerry was under his command, he really
didn't know Kerry much personally.' On August 5, however,
Hoffman told Sean Hannity on his ABC radio show that "I knew him
(Kerry) well, because I operated very closely with him and, uh,
many of the operations, uh, most of the operations were-were
conducted with multiple boats.'
"This smear campaign has been launched by people without
decency," says Jim Rassmann, the former Green Beret Kerry rescued
under fire. "Their charges are false; their stories are
fabricated, made up by people who did not serve with Kerry in
Rassman, by the way, says he is "a Republican, and for
more than 30 years I have largely voted for Republicans.'
He is also a retired lieutenant with the Los Angeles County
Sheriff's Department.
There's an old rule in combat. Trust the guys who serve
with you, fight along side with you and face death with you.
Four of the five guys who served with Kerry in his Swift Boat
say the SBVT guys are full of crap.
When it comes to who to believe about what happened in a
long-ago war in a far-away place, I'll trust the guys who
served with John Kerry long before I'll listen to a pack of
documented liars with a proven partisan agenda.
The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth are anything but and their
hypocrisy and deception are now exposed for all to see.
Copyright 2004 by Capitol Hill Blue