General: Brass knew of prison
Washington Bureau Published August 20,
By Stephen J. Hedges
WASHINGTON -- An Army investigation into allegations of
prisoner mistreatment by U.S. soldiers in Iraq ignores the role
top commanders in Iraq may have played in approving and
monitoring prisoner interrogations there, according to an Army
Reserve general who was once in charge of the prison.
Pentagon officials said the Army report into abuses at Iraq's
Abu Ghraib prison, which will be released early next week, will
implicate about two dozen people but found no wrongdoing among
officers above the rank of colonel.
But Janis Karpinski, the Army Reserve brigadier general in
command of detention facilities in Iraq when the abuses occurred,
said top officers in Iraq were aware of the interrogations and
had knowledge of the techniques that were used.
Specifically, she said Gen. Geoffrey Miller, the commander of
the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, visited Abu Ghraib
in September 2003 and, shortly afterward, began to receive daily
reports on interrogations at Abu Ghraib.
Those reports, she said, came from Col. Thomas Pappas of the
205th Military Intelligence Brigade, which directed
interrogations at Abu Ghraib. Pappas is expected to come in for
heavy criticism in the Army report. But Karpinski insists that
blame should go higher.
`Tremendous pressure' claimed
"Col. Pappas did not act on his own," Karpinski said in an
interview. "I do know he was under tremendous pressure all along.
. . . The pressure was intensified immediately following Gen.
Miller's visit, and it never got any better."
Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman declined to discuss the
report's details but said of Karpinski's claim: "She's
"This report does address chain-of-command issues above the
205th MI brigade," Whitman said. "This is a very thorough,
comprehensive investigation; it will be illuminating on many
In testimony before Congress, Miller has denied that he
approved the use of abusive interrogation tactics. Pappas, in an
earlier statement to investigators, reportedly said Miller
approved the use of dogs to intimidate prisoners.
Karpinski also said Gen. Barbara Fast, Pappas' immediate
commander and the head of Army intelligence in Iraq, knew of the
interrogation techniques used at Abu Ghraib and frequently
visited the prison.
"Gen. Miller was giving Gen. Fast instructions," Karpinski
said. "There's no doubt in my mind about Gen. Miller's
involvement in this."
An Army official said neither Miller nor Fast would be
available for comment Thursday.
A Defense Department official with knowledge of the report
declined to comment on Karpinski's claims. The official said the
report thoroughly examined abuses at the prison, and who carried
them out. A handful of outside contractors hired by the military
to conduct interrogations, the official said, will also be
A report last month by Army Lt. Gen. Paul Mikolashek, the
Army's inspector general, found that only a limited number of
people at the prison were involved in the abuses.
"These abuses should be viewed as what they are--unauthorized
actions taken by a few individuals and, in some cases, coupled
with the failure of a few leaders to provide adequate supervision
and leadership," Mikolashek wrote.
A soldier in January reported evidence of prisoner abuse in
Iraq. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, then the U.S. commander in Iraq,
ordered an investigation, and military officials announced that
claims of abuse had been made.
Sanchez assigned Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba to examine the
accusations; his report offered disturbing details about the
treatment of prisoners by U.S. captors and military police
officers assigned to guard them.
But it was not until pictures of soldiers abusing prisoners
were made public in April that the abuse allegations became a
full-fledged crisis.
Top investigator replaced
Maj. Gen. George Fay, a reserve officer serving as second in
charge of Army intelligence, was assigned to investigate further.
In June, the Army replaced Fay with Lt. Gen. Anthony Jones,
deputy commander of the Army Training and Doctrine Command,
explaining that Fay's rank did not allow him to question officers
serving above him.
So far, seven enlisted soldiers from a military police company
have been charged with abuses.
Karpinski said that when Miller came to Iraq a year ago, he
told her that he had been sent by the secretary of defense.
Karpinski has said that Miller told her that he wanted to
"Gitmoize" Abu Ghraib. Karpinski said that she took that phrase
to mean bringing Guantanamo interrogation tactics to Iraq.
Miller, in congressional testimony in May, said he instructed
guards to observe prisoners, not mistreat them.
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