Republican-funded Group
Attacks Kerry's War Record
Fact Check. org
August 6, 2004
Modified: August 22, 2004
A group funded by the biggest Republican campaign donor in
Texas began running an attack ad Aug. 5 in which former Swift
Boat veterans claim Kerry lied to get one of his two decorations
for bravery and two of his three purple hearts. But the veterans
who accuse Kerry are contradicted by Kerry's former crewmen, and
by Navy records.
One of the accusers says he was on another boat "a few yards"
away during the incident which won Kerry the Bronze Star, but the
former Army lieutenant whom Kerry plucked from the water that day
backs Kerry's account. In an Aug. 10 opinion piece in the
conservative Wall Street Journal , Rassmann (a Republican
himself) wrote that the ad was "launched by people without
decency" who are "lying" and "should hang their heads in
And on Aug. 19, Navy records came to light also contradicting
the accusers. One of the veterans who says Kerry wasn't under
fire was himself awarded a Bronze Star for aiding others "in the
face of enemy fire" during the same incident. Analysis
"Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" is a group formed March 23
after Kerry wrapped up the Democratic nomination. It held a news
conference May 4 denigrating Kerry's military record and his
later anti-war pronouncements during the 1970's. The group began
running an attack ad Aug. 5 in which 13 veterans variously say
Kerry is "not being honest" and "is lying about his record."
SBVT Ad "Any Questions?"
John Edwards: "If you have any questions about what John Kerry
is made of, just spend 3 minutes with the men who served with
(On screen: Here's what those men this of John Kerry)
Al French: I served with John Kerry.
Bob Elder : I served with John Kerry.
George Elliott: John Kerry has not been honest about what
happened in Vietnam.
Al French: He is lying about his record.
Louis Letson: I know John Kerry is lying about his first
Purple Heart because I treated him for that injury.
Van O'Dell: John Kerry lied to get his bronze star...I know, I
was there, I saw what happened.
Jack Chenoweth: His account of what happened and what actually
happened are the difference between night and day.
Admiral Hoffman: John Kerry has not been honest.
Adrian Lonsdale: And he lacks the capacity to lead.
Larry Thurlow: When he chips were down, you could not count on
John Kerry.
Bob Elder: John Kerry is no war hero.
Grant Hibbard: He betrayed all his shipmates...he lied before
the Senate.
Shelton White: John Kerry betrayed the men and women he served
with in Vietnam.
Joe Ponder: He dishonored his country...he most certainly
Bob Hildreth: I served with John Kerry...
Bob Hildreth (off camera) : John Kerry cannot be trusted.
Where the Money Comes From
Although the word "Republican" does not appear in the ad, the
group's financing is highly partisan. The source of the Swift
Boat group's money wasn't known when it first surfaced, but a
report filed July 15 with the Internal Revenue Services now shows
its initial funding came mainly from a Houston home builder, Bob
R. Perry, who has also given millions to the Republican party and
Republican candidates, mostly in Texas, including President Bush
and Republican Majority Leader Tom DeLay, whose district is near
Perry gave $100,000 of the $158,750 received by the Swift Boat
group through the end of June, according to its disclosure report
Perry and his wife Doylene also gave more than $3 million to
Texas Republicans during the 2002 elections, according to a
database maintained by the Institute on Money in State Politics .
The Perrys also were among the largest Republican donors in
neighboring Louisiana, where they gave $200,000, and New Mexico,
where they gave $183,000, according to the database
At the federal level the Perrys have given $359,825 since
1999, including $6,000 to Bush's campaigns and $27,325 to DeLay
and his political action committee, Americans for a Republican
Majority, according to a database maintained by the Center for
Responsive Politics .
The Silver Star
Several of those who appear in the ad have signed brief
affidavits, and we have posted some of them in the "supporting
documents" section to the right for our visitors to evaluate for
One of those affidavits, signed by George Elliott, quickly
became controversial. Elliott is the retired Navy captain who had
recommended Kerry for his highest decoration for valor, the
Silver Star, which was awarded for events of Feb. 28, 1969, when
Kerry beached his boat in the face of an enemy ambush and then
pursued and killed an enemy soldier on the shore.
Elliott, who had been Kerry's commanding officer, was quoted
by the Boston Globe Aug 6 as saying he had made a "terrible
mistake" in signing the affidavit against Kerry, in which Elliott
suggested Kerry hadn't told him the truth about how he killed the
enemy soldier. Later Elliott signed a second affidavit saying he
still stands by the words in the TV ad. But Elliott also made
what he called an "immaterial clarification" - saying he has no
first-hand information that Kerry was less than forthright about
what he did to win the Silver Star.
What Elliott said in the ad is that Kerry "has not been honest
about what happened in Viet Nam." In his original affidavit
Elliott said Kerry had not been "forthright" in Vietnam. The only
example he offered of Kerry not being "honest" or "forthright"
was this: "For example, in connection with his Silver Star, I was
never informed that he had simply shot a wounded, fleeing Viet
Cong in the back.
In the Globe story, Elliott is quoted as saying it was a
"terrible mistake" to sign that statement:
George Elliott (Globe account): It was
a terrible mistake probably for me to sign the affidavit with
those words. I'm the one in trouble here. . . . I knew it was
wrong . . . In a hurry I signed it and faxed it back. That was a
In his second affidavit, however, Elliott downgraded that
"terrible mistake" to an "immaterial clarification." He said in
the second affidavit:
Elliott (second affidavit): I do not
claim to have personal knowledge as to how Kerry shot the
wounded, fleeing Viet Cong.
Elliott also said he now believes Kerry shot the man in the
back, based on other accounts including a book in which Kerry is
quoted as saying of the soldier, "He was running away with a live
B-40 (rocket launcher) and, I thought, poised to turn around and
fire it." (The book quoted by Elliott is John F. Kerry, The
Complete Biography, By The Reporters Who Know Him Best.)
Elliott also says in that second affidavit, "Had I known the
facts, I would not have recommended Kerry for the Silver Star for
simply pursuing and dispatching a single, wounded, fleeing Viet
Cong." That statement is misleading, however. It mischaracterizes
the actual basis on which Kerry received his decoration.
The official citations show Kerry was not awarded the Silver
Star "for simply pursuing and dispatching" the Viet Cong. In
fact, the killing is not even mentioned in two of the three
versions of the official citation (see "supporting documents" at
right.) The citations - based on what Elliott wrote up at the
time - dwell mostly on Kerry's decision to attack rather than
flee from two ambushes, including one in which he led a landing
The longest of the citations, signed by Vice Admiral Elmo
Zumwalt, commander of U.S. naval forces in Vietnam, describes
Kerry as killing a fleeing Viet Cong with a loaded rocket
launcher. It says that as Kerry beached his boat to attack his
second set of ambushers, "an enemy soldier sprang up from his
position not ten feet from Patrol Craft Fast 94 and fled. Without
hesitation, Lieutenant (junior grade) KERRY leaped ashore,
pursued the man behind a hooch, and killed him, capturing a B-40
rocket launcher with a round in the chamber."
Two other citations omit any mention of the killing. One was
signed by Admiral John J. Hyland, commander in chief of the
Pacific Fleet, and the other was signed by the Secretary of the
Navy. Both those citations say Kerry attacked his first set
of ambushers and that "this daring and courageous tactic
surprised the enemy and succeeded in routing a score of enemy
soldiers." Later, 800 yards away, Kerry's boat encountered a
second ambush and a B-40 rocket exploded "close aboard"
Kerry's boat. "With utter disregard for his own safety, and the
enemy rockets, he again ordered a charge on the enemy, beached
his boat only ten feet away from the VC rocket position, and
personally led a landing party ashore in pursuit of the enemy."
In these citations there is no mention of enemy casualties
at all. Kerry was cited for "extraordinary daring and personal
courage . . . in attacking a numerically superior force in the
face of intense fire."
Elliott had previously defended Kerry on that score when his
record was questioned during his 1996 Senate campaign. At that
time Elliott came to Boston and said Kerry acted properly and
deserved the Silver Star. And as recently as June, 2003, Elliott
called Kerry's Silver Star "well deserved" and his action
"courageous" for beaching his boat in the face of an ambush:
Elliott (Boston Globe, June 2003): I
ended up writing it up for a Silver Star, which is well deserved,
and I have no regrets or second thoughts at all about that. . . .
(It) was pretty courageous to turn into an ambush even though you
usually find no more than two or three people there.
Elliott now feels differently, and says he has come to believe
Kerry didn't deserve his second award for valor, either, based
only on what the other anti-Kerry veterans have told him. He told
the Globe Aug. 6:
Elliott: I have chosen to believe the
other men. I absolutely do not know first hand.
On Aug. 22 an officer who was present supported Kerry's
version, breaking a 35-year silence. William B. Rood commanded
another Swift Boat during the same operation and was awarded the
Bronze Star himself for his role in attacking the Viet Cong
ambushers. He said Kerry and he went ashore at the same time
after being attacked by several Viet Cong onshore. Rood said he
was the only other officer present. Rood is now an editor on the
metropolitan desk of the Chicago Tribune, which published his
first-person account of the incident in its Sunday edition. Rood
said he had refused all interviews about Kerry's war record, even
from reporters for his own paper, until motivated to speak up
because Kerry's critics are telling "stories I know to be untrue"
and "their version of events has splashed doubt on all of
Rood described two Viet Cong ambushes, both of them
routed using a tactic devised by Kerry who was in tactical
command of a three-boat operation. At the second ambush only the
Rood and Kerry boats were attacked.
Rood: Kerry, followed by one member of
his crew, jumped ashore and chased a VC behind a hooch--a
thatched hut--maybe 15 yards inland from the ambush site. Some
who were there that day recall the man being wounded as he ran.
Neither I nor Jerry Leeds, our boat's leading petty officer with
whom I've checked my recollection of all these events, recalls
that, which is no surprise. Recollections of those who go through
experiences like that frequently differ.
With our troops involved in the sweep
of the first ambush site, Richard Lamberson, a member of my crew,
and I also went ashore to search the area. I was checking out the
inside of the hooch when I heard gunfire nearby.
Not long after that, Kerry returned,
reporting that he had killed the man he chased behind the hooch.
He also had picked up a loaded B-40 rocket launcher, which we
took back to our base in An Thoi after the operation.
Rood disputed an account of the incident given by John O'Neill
in his book "Unfit for Command," which describes the man Kerry
chased as a "teenager" in a "loincloth." Rood said, "I have no
idea how old the gunner Kerry chased that day was, but both Leeds
and I recall that he was a grown man, dressed in the kind of garb
the VC usually wore."
The Bronze Star
The most serious allegation in the ad is that Kerry received
both the Bronze Star, his second-highest decoration, and his
third purple heart, which allowed him to be sent home early,
under false pretenses. But that account is flatly contradicted by
Jim Rassmann, the former Army Lieutenant whom Kerry rescued that
Van O'Dell, a former Navy enlisted man who says he was the
gunner on another Swift Boat, states in his affidavit that he was
"a few yards away" from Kerry's boat on March 13, 1969 when Kerry
pulled Rassman from the water. According to the official medal
citations, Kerry's boat was under enemy fire at the time, and
Kerry had been wounded when an enemy mine exploded near his own
boat. O'Dell insists "there was no fire" at the time, adding: "I
did not hear any shots, nor did any hostile fire hit any boats"
other than his own, PCF-3.
Others in the ad back up that account. Jack Chenoweth, who was
a Lieutenant (junior grade) commanding PCF-3, said Kerry's boat
"fled the scene" after a mine blast disabled PCF-3, and returned
only later "when it was apparent that there was no return fire."
And Larry Thurlow, who says he commanded a third Swift Boat that
day, says "Kerry fled while we stayed to fight," and returned
only later "after no return fire occurred."
Kerry Ad "Heart"
John Kerry: I was born in Fitzsimmons Army Hospital in
Colorado, my dad was serving in the Army air corps. Both of my
parents taught me about public service. I enlisted because I
believed in service to country. I thought it was important, if
you had a lot of privileges as I had had, to go to a great
university like Yale, that you give something back to your
Del Sandusky: The decisions that he made saved our lives.
Jim Rassmann: When he pulled me out of the river, he risked
his life to save mine.
Narrator: For more than 30 years John Kerry has served
Vanessa Kerry: If you look at my father's time and service to
this country, whether it has been a veteran, prosecutor, or
Senator, he has shown an ability to fight for things that
Teresa Kerry: John is the face of someone who is hopeful, who
is generous of spirit, and of heart.
John Kerry : We're a country of optimists...we're the can-do
people, and we just need to believe in ourselves again.
Narrator: A lifetime of service and strength: John Kerry for
A serious discrepancy in the account of Kerry's accusers came
to light Aug. 19, when the Washington Post reported that Navy
records describe Thurlow himself as dodging enemy bullets during
the same incident, for which Thurlow also was awarded the Bronze
Thurlow's citation - which the Post said it obtained under the
Freedom of Information Act - says that "all units began receiving
enemy small arms and automatic weapons fire from the river banks"
after the first explosion. The citation describes Thurlow as
leaping aboard the damaged PCF-3 and rendering aid "while still
under enemy fire," and adds: "His actions and courage in the face
of enemy fire . . . were in keeping with the highest
traditions of the United States Naval Service."
A separate document that recommended Thurlow for that
decoration states that all Thurlow's actions "took place under
constant enemy small arms fire." It was signed by Elliott.
The Post quoted Thurlow as saying he had lost his citation
years earlier and had been under the impression that he received
the award for aiding the damaged boat and its crew, and that his
own award would be "fraudulent" if based on his facing enemy
fire. The Post reported that, after hearing the
citation read to him, Thurlow said: "It's like a Hollywood
presentation here, which wasn't the case. . . My personal feeling
was always that I got the award for coming to the rescue of the
boat that was mined. This casts doubt on anybody's awards. It is
sickening and disgusting. . . . I am here to state that we
weren't under fire."
None of those in the attack ad by the Swift Boat group
actually served on Kerry's boat. And their statements are
contrary to the accounts of Kerry and those who served under
Jim Rassmann was the Army Special Forces lieutenant whom Kerry
plucked from the water. Rassmann has said all along that he was
under sniper fire from both banks of the river when Kerry,
wounded, helped him aboard. Rassmann is featured in an earlier
Kerry ad, in fact, (see script at left) saying "he (Kerry) risked
his life to save mine."
On Aug. 10, Rassmann wrote a vivid account of the rescue in
the Wall Street Journal that contradicts the Kerry accusers.
Rassmann said that after the first explosion that disabled
Rassmann: Machine-gun fire erupted
from both banks of the river and a second explosion followed
moments later. The second blast blew me off John's swift boat,
PCF-94, throwing me into the river. Fearing that the other boats
would run me over, I swam to the bottom of the river and stayed
there as long as I could hold my breath.
When I surfaced, all the swift boats
had left, and I was alone taking fire from both banks. To avoid
the incoming fire I repeatedly swam under water as long as I
could hold my breath, attempting to make it to the north bank of
the river. I thought I would die right there. The odds were
against me avoiding the incoming fire and, even if I made it out
of the river, I thought I thought I'd be captured and executed.
Kerry must have seen me in the water and directed his driver, Del
Sandusky, to turn the boat around. Kerry's boat ran up to me in
the water, bow on, and I was able to climb up a cargo net to the
lip of the deck. But, because I was nearly upside down, I
couldn't make it over the edge of the deck. This left me hanging
out in the open, a perfect target. John, already wounded by the
explosion that threw me off his boat, came out onto the bow,
exposing himself to the fire directed at us from the jungle, and
pulled me aboard.
Rassmann said he recommended Kerry for the Silver Star for
that action, and learned only later that the Bronze Star had been
awarded instead. "To this day I still believe he deserved the
Silver Star for his courage," he wrote. Rassmann described
himself as a retired lieutenant with the Los Angeles County
Sheriff's Department. "I am a Republican, and for more than 30
years I have largely voted for Republicans," Rassmann said. But
he said Kerry "will be a great commander in chief."
"This smear campaign has been launched by people without
decency," Rassmann said. "Their new charges are false; their
stories are fabricated, made up by people who did not serve with
Kerry in Vietnam."
On Aug. 22 the Washington Post quoted a new eyewitness in
support of Kerry's version. The Post said it had independently
contacted Wayne D. Langhofer, who manned a machine gun aboard
PCF-43, the boat directly behind Kerry's, and that
Langhofer said he distinctly remembered the "clack, clack, clack"
of enemy AK-47 assault rifles.
Langhofer: There was a lot of firing
going on, and it came from both sides of the river.
The Third Purple Heart
The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth further says Kerry didn't
deserve his third purple heart, which was received for shrapnel
wounds in left buttocks and contusions on right forearm. The
Swift Boat group's affidavits state that the wound in Kerry's
backside happened earlier that day in an accident. "Kerry
inadvertently wounded himself in the fanny," Thurlow said in his
affidavit, "by throwing a grenade too close (to destroy a rice
supply) and suffered minor shrapnel wounds."
The grenade incident is actually supported by Kerry's own
account, but the shrapnel wound was only part of the basis for
Kerry's third purple heart according to official documents. The
evidence here is contradictory.
Kerry's account is in the book Tour of Duty by Douglas
Brinkley, who based it largely on Kerry's own Vietnam diaries and
12 hours of interviews with Kerry. "I got a piece of small
grenade in my ass from one of the rice-bin explosions and then we
started to move back to the boats," Kerry is quoted as saying on
page 313. In that account, Kerry says his arm was hurt later,
after the mine blast that disabled PCF-3, when a second
explosion rocked his own boat. "The concussion threw me violently
against the bulkhead on the door and I smashed my arm," Kerry
says on page 314.
And according to a Navy casualty report released by the Kerry
campaign, the third purple heart was received for "shrapnel
wounds in left buttocks and contusions on his right forearm when
a mine detonated close aboard PCF-94," Kerry's boat. As a matter
of strict grammar, the report doesn't state that both injuries
were received as a result of the mine explosion, only the arm
The official citation for Kerry's Bronze Star refers
only to his arm injury, not to the shrapnel wound to his rear. It
says he performed the rescue "from an exposed position on the
bow, his arm bleeding and in pain." The description of Kerry's
arm "bleeding" isn't consistent with the description of a
"contusion," or bruise.
Rassmann's Aug. 10 Wall Street Journal article states that
Kerry's arm was "wounded by the explosion that threw me off his
boat," which would make that wound clearly enemy-inflicted.
In any case, even a "friendly fire" injury can qualify for a
purple heart "as long as the 'friendly' projectile or agent was
released with the full intent of inflicting damage or destroying
enemy troops or equipment," according to the website of the
Military Order of the Purple Heart. All agree that rice was being
destroyed that day on the assumption that it otherwise might feed
Viet Cong fighters.
Another major discrepancy raises a question of how close
Kerry's accusers actually were to the rescue of Rassmann. Tour of
Duty describes Rassmann's rescue (and the sniper fire) as
happening "several hundred yards back" from where the crippled
PCF-3 was lying, not "a few yards away," the distance from which
the anti-Kerry veterans claim to have witnessed the incident.
First Purple Heart
Two who appear in the ad say Kerry didn't deserve his first
purple heart. Louis Letson, a medical officer and
Lieutenant Commander, says in the ad that he knows Kerry is lying
about his first purple heart because "I treated him for
that.' However, medical records provided by the Kerry
campaign to do not list Letson as the "person
administering treatment' for Kerry's injury on
December 3, 1968 . The person who signed this sick call
report is J.C. Carreon, who is listed as treating Kerry for
shrapnel to the left arm.
In his affidavit, Letson says Kerry's wound was self-inflicted
and does not merit a purple heart. But that's based on hearsay,
and disputed hearsay at that. Letson says "the crewman with
Kerry told me there was no hostile fire, and that Kerry had
inadvertently wounded himself with an M-79 grenade.' But
the Kerry campaign says the two crewmen with Kerry that day deny
ever talking to Letson.
On Aug. 17 the Los Angeles Times quoted Letson as giving a
slightly different account than the one in his affidavit. The
Times quotes him as saying he heard only third-hand that there
had been no enemy fire. According to the Times, Letson said that
what he heard about Kerry's wounding came not from other crewmen
directly, but through some of his own subordinates. Letson was
quoted as saying the information came from crewmen who were "just
talking to my guys … There was not a firefight -- that's
what the guys related. They didn't remember any firing from
Letson also insisted to the Times that he was the one who
treated Kerry, removing a tiny shard of shrapnel from Kerry's arm
using a pair of tweezers. Letson said Carreon, whose signature
appears on Kerry's medical record, was an enlisted man who
routinely made record entries on his behalf. Carreon signed as
"HM1," indicating he held the enlisted rank of Hospital Corpsman
First Class.
Also appearing in the ad is Grant Hibbard, Kerry's
commanding officer at the time. Hibbard's affidavit says
that he "turned down the Purple Heart request,' and
recalled Kerry's injury as a "tiny scratch less than from a rose
That doesn't quite square with Letson's affidavit, which
describes shrapnel "lodged in Kerry's arm" (though "barely.")
Hibbard also told the Boston Globe in an interview in April
2004 that he eventually acquiesced about granting Kerry the
purple heart.
Hibbard: I do remember some questions
on it. . .I finally said, OK if that's what happened. . . do
whatever you want
Kerry got the first purple heart after Hibbard left to return
to the US .
McCain Speaks Up
Sen. John McCain -- who has publicly endorsed Bush and even
appealed for donations to the President's campaign -- came to
Kerry's defense on this. McCain didn't witness the events in
question, of course. But he told the Associated Press in an
August 5 interview:
McCain : I think the ad is dishonest
and dishonorable. As it is none of these individuals served on
the boat (Kerry) commanded. Many of his crewmates have testified
to his courage under fire. I think John Kerry served
honorably in Vietnam.
At this point, 35 years later and half a world away, we see no
way to resolve which of these versions of reality is closer to
the truth.