Are Media Covering Their
Errors or Covering Them Up?
By Danny Schechter
August 16, 2004
NEW YORK, August 16, 2004 -- As more mainstream media outlets
admit to failures in covering the Iraq War, a question must be
asked: Are we seeing a real coming to grips by a media that
helped "sell the war" to the American public? Or could the recent
mea culpas be something more insidious, more like what the CIA
used to call a "limited hang out?" That phrase translates as "you
concede a little to hide a lot."
I am delighted to see some acknowledgement of errors and
omissions on the part of media outlets that, when it really
counted, become transmission belts for unsubstantiated government
claims and pro-war propaganda.
It does give media critics some faith in the capacity of media
outlets to acknowledge wrong doing, correct mistakes and admit
they drank the White House Kool-Aid. Bear in mind that many of
these same outlets were often arrogant and self-righteous at the
time, impervious to war critics who they treated as lepers in
denial about real threats and the need for a preemptive
It has taken a long time for these admissions to surface,
alas, well after they can do any good in terms of influencing
Playing Politics with the Facts
In fact, some prominent politicians including a presidential
candidate is saying in effect, that none of this matters, that,
knowing what they know, they would still have supported the war
even if all of its rationalizations were invented and/or
deliberately deceptive.
To this day, they won't let the facts get in the way of a
politically popular opinion.
That may be because the emerging media debate remains narrowly
focused, avoiding deeper questions about the media's
Last week when I was asked to appear on a national TV news
program as part of a panel on these issues, I was told that we
would talking about the pre-war coverage of WMDs. That call came,
predictably, after The Washington Post carried a story
second-guessing its coverage focusing entirely on the run-up to
the war. Once again TV producers were following a newspaper's
Post Media critic Howard Kurtz reported that a story in his
paper challenging the evidence on Iraq's weapon stockpiles, "ran
into stiff resistance from the paper's editors." The Post's
Managing Editor Bob Woodward, author of two insider books largely
positive about President Bush, admitted, "We did our job but we
didn't do enough, and I blame myself mightily for not pushing
In his story, Kurtz intimated that The Post's performance was
understandable since its chief competitor, The New York Times,
was just as bad. He took a subtle swipe at The Times, noting,
"The New York Times ran an editor's note last month saying the
paper's aggressive reporting on WMDs was 'not as rigorous as it
should have been' and overplayed stories with 'dire claims about
Iraq,' adding: 'Editors at several levels who should have been
challenging reporters and pressing for more skepticism were
perhaps too intent on rushing scoops into the paper.'"
In an apparent response, The Times last week cast a skeptical
ours-was-better-than-yours eye on The Post expose, noting: "For
all of its contrition, Mr. Kurtz's article does not represent an
official statement on behalf of The Post. In an interview
yesterday, Steve Coll, the paper's managing editor, said that the
idea for the article had been Mr. Kurtz's, and that he and
[Executive Editor Leonard] Downie had recused themselves from
editing it. 'We did not make a determination from our offices
that we needed to commission an investigation into these issues,'
Mr. Coll said."
There you have it, no investigation needed. None!
The Real Problem at The Post and The Times
To contrast his paper's efforts, Jacques Steinberg of The
Times explained that The New York Times published a 1,220-word
article in which the newspaper's editors acknowledged that in the
run-up to war they had not been skeptical enough about articles
that depended "at least in part on information from a circle of
Iraqi informants, defectors and exiles bent on 'regime change' in
Iraq whose credibility has come under increasing public
So here we have The Times using its news columns to put down
The Post. But both papers and most of the TV coverage are guilty
of far more than what has so been conceded. Complicity and
collusion are two words that come to mind. As the conscience of
the Senate Robert Byrd put it on CNN last week, "The media fell
for the war hook, line and sinker."
A real investigation of the media role would probe deeper
questions not only about the run-up to the war but the ongoing
coverage up to the present day.
Is the conflict in Iraq being covered well? What's missing and
Why the War?
Why did we stage a pre-emptive war in the first place? What
was the real agenda? And why aren't the media investigating this?
On August l0, former war commander General Tommy Franks -- in a
talk only reported by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency and not
picked up by major media -- said:
"The reason we could not afford to give up time is because we
wanted the water infrastructure to remain in place," Franks said.
"We wanted the oil infrastructure in Iraq to remain in place. We
did not want to subject ourselves and Israel to the potential
consequence of a long-range missile being fired into Tel Aviv or
How much media time and energy was spent investigating the
Israeli connection to the war? How much time on military
preparedness or the "plan" that got us into Baghdad quickly and
then stirred a hornet's nest of resistance? How many of our media
experts, pundits, experts, prognosticators and Mensa Men prepared
us for what was to happen next?
To Whom Go the Spoils?
What about the real conduct of the US military operations, the
less than "pinpoint" bombing that took out the infrastructure
including electricity, the widespread civilian casualties, the
use of cluster bombs, napalm like fire bombs, and weapons
hardened with radioactive depleted uranium? What about the
privatization of the war -- who is getting what and why?
What Are the Media Ignoring?
Third, what about systematic war crimes and human rights
abuses -- the atrocities in Abu Ghraib prison were known as early
as June 2003 but only exposed in April 2004. How could we justify
the bombing of civilians in Falujah and, just last week, in
Najaf? How is it that outlets in other countries can report on
Iraqi protests against US military practices in Iraq and ours
cannot? Why did Mr. Murdoch's newspaper "The Australian" call
U.S. military operations in Najaf a "slaughter" while our media
focused on a raid on a dissident cleric's home.
In short, most of our media, with the exception, perhaps, of
excellent reporting by Knight Ridder and some exemplary
dissenting journalists, still largely support the war including
the government's rationalizations and narrative. ("Support" can
be measured in what is covered and what is not, what experts we
hear from and which we do not, and how many thoughtful Iraqis
themselves make it into our news.)
These larger media failures have still not been admitted, much
less debated. That's why the term "weapons of mass deception"
still applies to a media that are at war with their own
uncomfortable truths.
-- News Dissector Danny Schechter authored "Embedded Weapons
of Mass Deception" on media failures (Prometheus Books and and is finishing an independent film, WMD, that
brings the story up to date. (
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