Cheney lie: Kerry #1 Liberal
in Senate
The Daily Howler
Bob Somerbry
SEQUEL ONE—$87 BILLION REDUX: "All of this should
have been done a year ago,' this morning's Times
editorial says. The editorial is called "The Iraq
Reconstruction Fiasco,' and it discusses that $18.4 billion
in reconstruction money which Congress voted last October. The
money was part of the famous $87 billion to "fund the
troops'—the bill which Kerry voted against, a vote
for which he is now routinely trashed. The editorial notes that
Bush Admin has failed to put that $18 billion to work:
NEW YORK TIMES EDITORIAL: Of the $18.4 billion Congress
approved last fall, only about $600 million has actually been
paid out. Billions more have been designated for giant projects
still in the planning stage. Part of the blame rests with the
Pentagon's planning failures and the occupation authority's
reluctance to consult qualified Iraqis. Instead, the
administration brought in American defense contractors who had
little clue about what was most urgently needed or how to handle
the unfamiliar and highly insecure climate.
Gee! Any chance that Kerry (and others) may have been right
when they said they wanted a more detailed plan before giving
Bush this "blank check?' The editorial fails to raise
this point, but that's the way your press corps works.
Kerry should have voted like Biden—it has become a
Hard-and-Fast Press Script, typed wherever press typing is sold.
Any chance that Kerry and others were correct in their doubts
about this bill in the first place? But even in an editorial that
calls the Admin's performance a "fiasco,' this
obvious question goes unasked. "Things have gone so
obviously wrong with America's approach to rebuilding Iraq that
even the Bush administration is now willing to listen to some
informed advice,' the Times says. But the editorial omits a
salient fact—informed advice was offered last fall.
Wouldn't it help if major news orgs occasionally help
voters remember?
just don't have a chance, given the way their "press
corps' functions. As a sequel to last week's
discussion, consider Dick Cheney's Friday appearance in
East Grand Forks, Minnesota. Cheney—vice president of the
United States—took questions from voters in this crucial
swing state. Here's one question, from a voter who's
about to be played for a fool:
QUESTION (8/6/04): Hi. I live here in East Grand Forks. I
serve a Lutheran church on the north side, River Heights
Lutheran. I have 12 children, seven of whom are 18 and older, and
they'll all vote for you.
So you ought to take Minnesota, anyway.
I have a question specifically about these young folks. I
have lots of college kids. And for some strange reason, college
students tend to veer toward the left. And I've always thought
the Republican Party had a real vision for the future because
they believe in freedom and opportunity. Can you tell me if you
could talk to every college student in America and tell him or
her how the Bush-Cheney ticket differs from the Kerry-Edwards
ticket, what single thing would you point to encourage our young
people to vote for you and the Republican Party this fall?
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! But oh yeah—what would Cheney say
to young people? The answer to that turned out to be easy! If we
assume that he's reasonably competent, Cheney would lie in
their faces:
CHENEY (conclusion of answer): You talked about freedom
and opportunity, and that I think goes to the heart of it. And I
think if I look at the views of George Bush, the way he operated
as governor of Texas, the way he's operated since he became
president, I contrast that with John Kerry, I just think there
are basic, fundamental differences of opinion about how this
society ought to operate. I'm trying to think how to be a
statesman in terms of my comments here. I think there are just an
awful lot more—I'm much more comfortable with the values
and the ideas and the concepts that I find in the middle of the
country than I am in what I find in Massachusetts, if I can put
in those terms.
John Kerry is, by National Journal ratings, the most
liberal member of the United States Senate. Ted Kennedy is the
more conservative of the two senators from Massachusetts.
It's true. All you got to do is go look at the ratings
systems. And that captures a lot, I think, in terms of somebody's
philosophy. And it's not based on one vote, or one year, it's
based on 20 years of service in the United States Senate.
Perfectly legitimate view of the world, if that's the way he
wants to view it. It's just that if I were to lay down my voting
record, the ten years I was in the House, versus his,
there's not a lot of overlap.
But let me thank you all again for being here today.
That was the end of Cheney's appearance. All the voters
applauded the veep. Cheney had praised the president's
values. And then he had lied in their faces.
What had Cheney told these voters? He told them that Kerry is
the most liberal member of the Senate. That's based on
National Journal ratings, he said. And it isn't based on
just one year—it's based on twenty years of service!
But Kerry isn't the most liberal senator, as the Journal
made expressly clear in March, when other people—people
like Cheney—began using their data to mislead the voters.
As we noted last week, Journal rankings show that ten current
senators have more liberal lifetime records than Kerry. And yes,
Ted Kennedy is one of the ten. Every claim that Cheney made was
blatantly, baldly untrue.
But of one thing you can be quite certain; your snoring,
somnolent, well-perfumed press corps won't say a word about
Cheney's misstatements. After all, Cheney was voiced the
RNC's number-one current spin, and your "press
corps' would rather eat live worms in hell than go on the
air and report the fact that this spin-point is fake, phony,
bogus. Cheney lied in the voters' faces, not even trying to
be technically accurate. But will you ever see his statement
corrected? Will you ever see this ubiquitous spin-point
clarified? Yes, you will. You'll see the press do this on
the same day the Detroit Lions change their name to the
Cheney knows a simple fact—the "press corps'
allows him to lie to the voters. In Minnesota, laughing voters
applauded the values of the great man who had lied in their
faces. Of course, they didn't know that he had lied, and
they didn't know for a very good reason. They didn't
know it because cowering fops like Jim Lehrer and Ted Koppel have
no current plan to tell them. Neither does that old bulldog, Tim
Russert. The breezes are fragrant on Nantucket in August. Why
should Tim stir up a fuss?
CONVINCING THE RUBES: The day after Cheney's appearance,
Stephen Lee of the Grand Forks Herald told local voters what he
had said:
LEE (8/7/04): He said he likes President Bush's values.
"I'm much more comfortable with the values, the ideas and the
concepts I find in the middle of the country than in
Massachusetts," he said, spurring applause.
Pausing for the second time to choose his words carefully
to "remain statesmanlike," he pointed out Kerry's image as a
liberal, citing the National Journal's ranking him as the most
liberal Senator.
"Ted Kennedy is the more conservative of the two senators
from Massachusetts," Cheney said with faux wonder, eliciting more
cheers along with jeers for Democrats.
Thanks to Lee, voters didn't have to be physically
present to get misinformed by the veep.
WHAT WOULD A JOURNALIST DO: Let's state the obvious. If
there were even one journalist in your TV press corps,
you'd have this seen this broadcast by now:
IMAGINARY TV JOURNALIST: On Friday, Dick Cheney repeated a
familiar set of charges against John Kerry. The vice president
was speaking to voters in Minnesota, an important swing state.
But the vice president's statements, however familiar, were
also plainly inaccurate...
Tape of Cheney's statement would follow, along with the
bone-simple facts we presented last week. A Republican spokesman
would be asked to comment. If your country had even one real news
org, you would have seen this broadcast by now. But your
"press corps' has long since walked off its posts.
Today, when you turn on your cable TV, you're subjected to
outings like this one:
physically present to misstate the facts, major
"journalists' repeat his claims for him. We showed
you examples all last week. But for another grisly case,
here's Judy Woodruff, chatting with George McGovern during
the Democratic convention:
WOODRUFF (7/28/04): Senator, when you ran for president,
you mentioned 32 years ago, the Republicans were criticizing you
and the party of being too liberal. They're still accusing
the Democratic Party of being too liberal. Are they going to be
able to get away with that argument this year?
MCGOVERN: I don't think so. John Kerry is a moderate
liberal. He's not way out in either right field or left
WOODRUFF: Well, they say he's got the most liberal record
in the U.S. Senate.
MCGOVERN: That's not too bad. I think if I were in this
present Senate I would want to be the most liberal member of the
Senate. I happen to think that liberalism is the tradition that
has been responsible for most of the forward gains in this
Like all Democratic spokesmen, McGovern didn't seem to
have the facts. But let's state the obvious—Woodruff
does understand the facts, which have been perfectly clear since
mid-March. She knows that Kerry doesn't have "the
most liberal record in the U.S. Senate.' But so what?
Instead of airing a report in which she told viewers that, she
repeated Cheney's talking-point for him. Readers,
it's good to be Judy Woodruff. Why should Woodruff spoil
the fun by telling the voters some facts?
IN DEFENSE OF DEM SPOKESMEN: Last week, we criticized DNC
spokesmen for failing to refute the bogus charge that Kerry is
the "number one liberal in the Senate.' An e-mailer
made a good point:
E-MAIL: This is to respond to your August 6 column
regarding Kerry's liberal ranking among his peers.
In hearing Democratic pundits on the tube, it is clear to
me that Democratic strategists do not want in any way to
associate the word "liberal' with Kerry. If a person
like Tucker Carlson claims that Kerry is the number one liberal
in the Senate and if a pundit states that the National Journal
shows him ranked 40th (as an example), the first words out of
Carlson would be, "SO YOU ADMIT KERRY IS A LIBERAL.'
Now the Republican machine would not have to squirt out the
ranking, only that Kerry admits he's a Massachusetts
liberal. Personally, I have never heard Kerry mention the word
"liberal' to describe himself. I have heard him say
that he is a conservative.
What I have noted above is the only explanation I can
think of why the likes of Brazile and McMahon refuse to question
the liberal ranking issue.
As a general matter, this e-mailer makes a very good point.
For strategic reasons, campaigns often decide it's better
politics to avoid responding to certain charges. They'll
take the hit on a certain point, then respond with a
counter-attack. Consider Campaign 2000, for example. Over the
years, many readers have asked why Gore never explained that he
didn't say he invented the Internet. But the Bush campaign
would have jumped for joy if Gore had spent his time on that
matter. Such a response would only have extended the
discussion—a discussion Gore could never have gained from.
After all, such discussions always end up in the hands of the
press, who can present them any way that they please. (Note: The
DNC should have commissioned surrogates to shoot down the endless
Gore Slanders.)
The e-mailer makes a good general point. But his point plainly
doesn't explain Janeane Garofalo's performance with
Sean Hannity; Garofalo tried to refute Hannity's charge,
but said she couldn't remember the facts about
Kerry's record. And Brazile and McMahon hardly tried to
deny that Kerry is a liberal (see THE DAILY HOWLER, 8/6/04).
Meanwhile, the DNC should be hammering networks like CNN, whose
anchors and reporters keep repeating (and failing to clarify)
this utterly bogus RNC claim. Have they done so? We'd be
amazed. The org performed woefully during Campaign 2000.
We'd guess that they sleep soundly still.
WHY RASPBERRY SLEPT: Who is the Washington press corps? This
morning, William Raspberry helps us see in a barely coherent Post
column. Was the Bush Admin "playing with us again' in
their recent terror warnings? Raspberry explains why he prefers
not to imagine such things:
RASPBERRY: My normal tendency is to avoid such
second-guessing, on the assumption that my government (1) is
well-intentioned and (2) knows more than I do. That
predisposition has been harder to maintain since it has become
clear that my government exaggerated the evidence on which it
justified America's unilateral attack on Iraq. Sometimes, it now
seems obvious, the government knows less than it tells you it
knows. And sometimes its intentions are less than saintly.
It now seems obvious? Put aside the limited question of last
weekend's terror warning. In this passage, Raspberry says
he "tends to assume' that "my government is
well-intentioned.' And he suggests that he only began to
realize that "sometimes...the government knows less than it
tells you it knows' as a result of events last year.
So let's review the way the press corps was acting in
the run-up to war in Iraq. Over at the New York Times, Elisabeth
Bumiller was simply too "frightened' to ask the
president any tough questions (see THE DAILY HOWLER, 3/25/04).
Meanwhile, at the Washington Post, Raspberry still assumed that
"his government' was generally well-intentioned.
It's odd that your pundits think this way, and
it's even odder that they're willing to say so out
loud. Of course, Raspberry was a perfect mark in the run-up to
war in Iraq. When Colin Powell spoke to the UN on February 3,
2003, the scribe told his readers that, if Colin says it, it must
be so. "It was a spectacular performance,' Raspberry
wrote on 2/11/03, "and by the time Colin Powell was
finished, I was a complete convert.' And yes, the gentleman
even said this: "I had my doubts as to how much active
production of weapons of mass destruction was happening in Iraq.
Powell's display removed those doubts.' And this:
"Our ability to know what is going on in Iraq's
secretive society is nothing short of stunning.' Yes, this
is the way it worked at the top of America's "press
But now we know why Raspberry slept. Even last year, he still
didn't know that his government sometimes has mixed or
ignoble intentions. Go ahead and chortle darkly as you read his
latest admission.
POST SCRIPT: Two weeks after that woeful performance,
Raspberry was reporting a change of heart. Here's the start
of his 2/24/03 column:
RASPBERRY (2/24/03): This is hard. So soon after very
nearly swooning over Colin Powell's report to the United Nations
Security Council, I find myself thinking the once unthinkable: I
don't believe him.
It's not that I think the secretary of state—the one
member of the president's inner circle I thought we could count
on to be straight with us on Iraq—is lying. But I'm
starting to think that his interpretation of facts and
circumstances assumes so many things and ignores so many others
that it comes to the same thing.
Whence my change of heart? For one thing, I've had
time to digest that tour de force performance of earlier this
"This is hard,' Raspberry confessed, continuing to
gush over Powell.
Of course, The Razz was hardly alone. At the Post, a wide
range of major pundits rushed to judgment about Powell's
tour de force performance. At the time, we said the Post should
be embarrassed by the way its pundits were behaving. The
embarrassment ought to be spreading today. Don't worry,
though—ain't gonna happen.