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Child Mortality Jumps In Iraqi City
The Post Chronicle/UPI
April 11, 2006

BASRA, Iraq - April 11, 2006 (UPI) -- A European children's charity says the number of child deaths in Basra, Iraq, has risen sharply since the fall of Saddam Hussein.

Marie Fernandez, a spokeswoman for Saving Children From War, blamed a shortage of medical supplies and equipment for the higher mortality rates. She said that water-born diseases are becoming increasingly common.

Dr. Haydar Salah, a pediatrician, told the BBC that he believes mortality is up 30 percent.

"Children are dying daily, and no one is doing anything to help them," Salah said.

Basra in southern Iraq is occupied by British troops.

A recent U.S. report described the security situation in Basra as serious, saying that the government is not able to ensure safety for residents, unemployment is high and criminal and political violence common.

Copyright 2006 United Press Internationa

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