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80% tell poll terror threat is same, worse than in 2001
Portsmouth Herald
September 11, 2005

Eight in 10 people in the United States think the threat from terrorism is about the same or has grown worse than it was at the time of the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, a poll found.

About half think the threat is at the same level and three in 10 say it has grown worse, a CBS News poll found.

Other recent findings:

# Six in 10 say they have confidence in the government's ability to protect citizens from terrorism, down from seven in 10 who felt that way before Hurricane Katrina hit. - CBS News.

# People are evenly split on the progress of the war on terrorism with 51 percent satisfied, 49 percent dissatisfied. - CNN-USA Today-Gallup.

# Four in 10 say their life changed after Sept. 11 and they do not expect it will return to normal. - CNN-USA Today-Gallup

# People are evenly divided on whether the government has done enough to improve airport security with 50 percent saying enough and 46 percent saying not enough. - CBS News.

The CBS polling was done Aug. 29-31 of 871 adults and Sept. 6-7 of 725 adults. The results have a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points for late August and 4 percentage points for September. The CNN-USA Today-Gallup poll was conducted Aug. 28-30 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

-The Associated Press
