Senior WH Official Probed for
Israeli Intelligence Leak
The Washington Post
By Susan Schmidt and Robin Wright
Washington Post Staff Writers
Thursday, September 2, 2004; Page A06
For more than two years, the FBI has been investigating
whether classified intelligence has been passed to Israel by the
American Israel Political Action Committee, an influential U.S.
lobbying group, in a probe that extends beyond the case of
Pentagon employee Lawrence A. Franklin, according to senior U.S.
officials and other sources.
The counterintelligence probe, which is different from a
criminal investigation, focuses on a possible transfer of
intelligence more extensive than whether Franklin passed on a
draft presidential directive on U.S. policy toward Iran, the
sources said. The FBI is examining whether highly classified
material from the National Security Agency, which conducts
electronic intercepts of communications, was also forwarded to
Israel, they said.
Israel said the characterization of the probe is speculative.
"We are aware of all the speculation, but that is all it is. We
have not heard anything official, and U.S.-Israeli relations
remain as strong as ever and, as far as we are concerned, it's
business as usual," said David Siegel, spokesman of the Israeli
Embassy here.
AIPAC has forcefully denied that any of its personnel received
classified information.
National security adviser Condoleezza Rice and her deputy,
Stephen J. Hadley, were apprised of the FBI counterintelligence
investigation of AIPAC as a possible conduit for information to
Israel more than two years ago, a senior U.S. official said late
yesterday. That official and other sources would discuss the
investigation only on the condition of anonymity because it
involves classified information and is highly sensitive.
The investigation of Franklin is coincidental to the broader
FBI counterintelligence probe, which was already long underway
when Franklin came to the attention of investigators, U.S.
officials and sources said. Franklin, a career analyst at the
Defense Intelligence Agency who specializes in Iran, is suspected
of passing the proposed directive on Iran to AIPAC, officials
said, which may have forwarded it to Israel. According to friends
and colleagues, Franklin spent time in Israel, including during
duty in the U.S. Air Force Reserve, in which he served as a
specialist in foreign political-military affairs. Franklin now
works for Douglas J. Feith, undersecretary of defense for
Reports on the investigation have baffled foreign policy
analysts and U.S. officials because the Bush administration and
the government of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon already cooperate
on intelligence matters and share policy views. Despite some
rocky moments, the relationship has been among the United States'
closest in both policy and intelligence sharing since Israel was
founded almost six decades ago.
AIPAC has been one of the most active advocates for Israeli
interests in the United States and a central element in fostering
that relationship. Its lobbyists maintain close relations with
officials at the highest levels of both governments.
Among the many unanswered questions in the case, sources
familiar with it said, is whether a U.S. official with access to
the intelligence volunteered it, or whether allies of Israel in
the United States sought intelligence to pass on to Israel.
In the Franklin probe, a law enforcement official said the
government does not expect to bring charges against anyone this
week or next. U.S. Attorney Paul McNulty in Northern Virginia,
whose office is handling the case, is continuing to examine the
evidence gathered by the FBI, the official said. Officials have
said Franklin is cooperating with the authorities. Attempts to
reach him at his office and home over several days have been
The FBI's counterintelligence investigation was underway for
some time before the Franklin case was brought to the U.S.
attorney's office, which happened fairly recently, according to a
source knowledgeable about the case.
FBI counterintelligence investigations often involve
wiretapping and other forms of surveillance and can last years.
They differ from criminal investigations because the goal is to
obtain information about foreign agents or terrorists without
necessarily seeking criminal charges. Counterintelligence agents
previously were limited in sharing information with the FBI's
criminal division, but they now do so more routinely as a result
of a decision two years ago by a secret intelligence court and
the 2001 passage of the USA Patriot Act.
Lawyer Abbe Lowell, who is representing several AIPAC
employees, including AIPAC's policy director, Steve Rosen,
declined to comment on a report in the Jerusalem Post that the
FBI had copied Rosen's computer hard drive. He also would not say
whether AIPAC officials have been told that they are subjects or
targets of the FBI probe.
But a source close to AIPAC said that the FBI has interviewed
numerous AIPAC officials in recent days, among them Rosen and
Middle East analyst Keith Weissman, who the source said were
interviewed on Friday. They and other AIPAC officials are
cooperating in the probe and have turned over materials sought by
the bureau, the source said.
AIPAC's attorney, Nathan Lewin, did not return calls seeking
comment yesterday. Josh Bloc, a spokesman for the group, referred
to a statement AIPAC issued Friday, when the first allegations
surfaced in the news media about an FBI investigation involving
Franklin and AIPAC.
"AIPAC has learned that the government is investigating an
employee of the Department of Defense for possible violations in
handling confidential information," the statement said. "Any
allegation of criminal conduct by AIPAC or our employees is false
and baseless. Neither AIPAC nor any of its employees has violated
any laws or rules, nor has AIPAC or its employees ever received
information they believed was secret or classified."
Staff writer Thomas E. Ricks contributed to this report.