Creative Accounting Only Goes
So Far
National Review Online
Bruce Bartlett
September 08, 2004, 9:40 a.m.
A new report from the Congressional Budget Office explains
that the deficit is a virtually meaningless measure of the
government's indebtedness. The main reason for this is that
the federal government uses cash accounting rather than accrual
accounting. What this means is that the government can acquire
massive debts far into the future with virtual impunity. The
government can also, in effect, cosign for loans and provide
insurance that could potentially cost taxpayers hundreds of
billion of dollars without it ever showing up in the budget until
a check has to be written.
By the CBO's reckoning, the federal government's
true debt last year was $8.5 trillion — more than twice the
debt held by the public, which we generally think of as the
national debt. That figure came to $4 trillion, only slightly
more than the $3.9 trillion in future benefits owed to government
employees and veterans.
But even the $8.5 trillion figure is much too low because it
excludes the really big debts that are owed for Social Security
and Medicare. Since these obligations extend far into the future,
the only way they can realistically be quantified is by using a
statistical method called present value. This takes account of
the fact that $1 fifty years from now is worth much less than $1
today. Future debts need to be discounted to put them into
today's dollars.
Even with discounting, however, the figures are massive. The
CBO estimates the unfunded liability for Social Security at $7.2
trillion. But this is virtually nothing next to the $37.6
trillion cost of Medicare. In short, we would need to have about
$45 trillion in the bank today earning interest in order to pay
all the promises that have been made for future Social Security
and Medicare benefits — over and above the future taxes and
premiums that will be collected to fund these programs.
To put these numbers into a form that is comprehensible, the
CBO has made a calculation of the future gross domestic product
that will be produced over the same time period. These are the
actual resources from which Social Security and Medicare benefits
will be paid. The CBO estimates that we would have to raise taxes
by 6.5 percent of GDP immediately and forever to maintain these
programs in perpetuity. This year alone, that would mean a tax
increase of $800 billion.
This is why I believe it was utter insanity for the White
House and Congress to have enacted an expansion of Medicare for
prescription drugs last year. This one unconscionable action
increased the long-term liability of Medicare by 1 percent of GDP
A key reason why they were able to get away with this idiotic
action was that all the costs come well in the future — the
program doesn't even begin until 2006 and then phases-in
for a few years before being fully effective. Thus, for a time,
Republicans were able to promise something-for-nothing.
It's only a matter of time before taxes are sharply
increased so that the elderly can get for free what the rest of
us have to pay for ourselves.
It goes without saying that if any private corporation had
behaved the way the government has, it would soon find its
executives being sentenced by a federal judge. It is illegal for
businesses to keep their books the way the government does,
hiding their long-term liabilities from shareholders the way the
government disguises its indebtedness from voters.
Writing in the Nebraska Law Review last year, George
Washington University law professor Cheryl Block compared
bookkeeping by the federal government to bookkeeping by
businesses involved in corporate scandals. She found little
difference. Congress, she wrote, "has been guilty of using
accounting devices remarkably similar to those used by Enron,
WorldCom and others to ‘cook the books' and to
mislead the public with regard to government finances.'
At least when a corporation misbehaves, there is an ultimate
market check in the form of bankruptcy. Creative accounting can
only go so far in covering up transactions that are fundamentally
unsound. But national governments never go bankrupt and
don't have to worry about customers buying their goods and
services for revenue. They just raise taxes or print money and
keep on going. "As a result, temptations for the government
to engage in creative accounting may be even greater than those
in the private sector,' Block suggested.
It's worth keeping this in mind the next time some
congressional demagogue denounces corporate dishonesty.
— Bruce Bartlett is senior fellow for the National
Center for Policy Analysis. Write to him here.