"Dedicated to exposing the lies and impeachable offenses of George W. Bush"

Letter from Abu Abdelrahman al-Iraqi - Deputy Commander
Communique from "Al-Qaida's Jihad Committee in Mesopotamia (Abu Musab al Zarqawi) Abu Abdelrahman al-Iraqi - Deputy Commander
Al-Qaida's Jihad Committee in Mesopotamia
27 / Shaaban 1426 - October 1, 2005

"A letter from Abu Abdelrahman al-Iraqi, Deputy Commander of Al-Qaida's Committee in Mesopotamia."

"A letter from a soldier to his commander. All praise be to Allah...and prayers to his prophet..."

From: Abu Abdelrahman al-Iraqi"
To: Our Shaykh and Commander Abu Musab al-Zarqawi - may Allah protect him."

I write this letter to you, our Shaykh, while we are at the beginning of a new stage of this war - this war that Allah has created in order to unite the units of al-Tawheed under one slogan while - on the other hand - bringing together the units of disbelief and apostasy, the crusaders, those who refuse the message of Islam, and the people of ‘democracy' at the gates of hell.  Ever since the people of Tawheed ran out of alternatives and the banner of jihad was raised over his land, we have witnessed the signs of victor on the horizon. By the will of Allah, your soldiers have become lions in the battlefield and their eagerness for paradise has increased . . . they have prepared themselves for jihad and have fought the infidels and apostates. They confronted the strongest military force in history and it was the will of Allah that they evildoers would outnumber us in men and weapons."

"The cries from the infidel leaders and their supporter have changed from threatening tones to screams of agony and pain due to their predicament in Mesopotamia. Their new religion, 'democracy,' is taking its last breaths after its deception was revealed and the mujahideen attacked it. Now, we witness how their soldiers who used to spread fear across the whole world are losing control over the entire country [of Iraq] and groups of the faithful are able to attack them every day. These fools have nothing more than televised victories and occasional statement that are dispatched about the killing of an Al-Qaida commander, the capture of [Abu Musab] al-Zarqawi's deputy, or the death of his deputy. These lies will not aid their paralyzed body, nor will they help to revive it. To the contrary, they will lay the path for their own defeat, which they will soon witness - if Allah wills it."

"We inform you, dear Shayakh, that we have made our decision and we are with you and will continue on the path of jihad and sacrifice our lives and possessions until the religion of Allah is supreme or else we are killed. We ask almighty Allah to protect you . . . until you are able to witness the spread of Islam throughout this land. May Allah make you into a thorn in the throats of his enemies, and may he grant you martyrdom at the end [of your struggle] . . . all praise be to almighty Allah."

Abu Abdelrahman al-Iraqi - Deputy Commander
Al-Qaida's Jihad Committee in Mesopotamia
27 / Shaaban 1426 - October 1, 2005

copyright 2005 Evan Kohlmann

Communique from "Al-Qaida's Jihad Committee in Mesopotamia (Abu Musab al Zarqawi)

Special note should be taken of the word "land." Our first war in Iraq (1991) caused the jihad (1998), which caused 911 (2001), which caused our second attack on Iraq (2003), which caused our current mess.

Read the jihad if you alrady haven't.

Al-Qaida is expected to move its operations to other parts of the Middle East.