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'Mission Accomplished' By The Numbers
Think Progress
May 1, 2006

On May 1, 2003, President Bush stood underneath a "Mission Accomplished" banner and announced that "Major combat operations have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed."

Here's a look at the situation then compared to the situation now, by the numbers:

  May 1, 2003 Today
U.S. Troops Wounded 542 17,469
U.S. Troops Killed
139 2,400
Size of U.S. Forces 150,000 132,000
Size of Iraqi Security Forces
7,000-9000 250,500
Number of Insurgents 5,000 15,000-20,000
Insurgent Attacks Per Day 8 75
Cost to U.S. Taxpayers $79 billion $320 billion
Approval of Bush's Handling of Iraq 75% 37%
Percentage of Americans who Believe The Iraq War Was "Worth Fighting" 70% 41%
Bush's Overall Job Approval 71% 38%
Original Text
