Iraq Defense Minister: Need for U.S. Help in Iraq Until 2018NY TimesBy THOM SHANKER January 15, 2008 FORT MONROE, Va. — The Iraqi defense minister said Monday that his nation would not be able to take full responsibility for its internal security until 2012, nor be able on its own to defend Iraq's borders from external threat until at least 2018. Those comments from the minister, Abdul Qadir, were among the most specific public projections of a timeline for the American commitment in Iraq by officials in either Washington or Baghdad. And they suggested a longer commitment than either government had previously indicated. Pentagon officials expressed no surprise at Mr. Qadir's projections, which were even less optimistic than those he made last year. President Bush has never given a date for a military withdrawal from Iraq but has repeatedly said that American forces would stand down as Iraqi forces stand up. Given Mr. Qadir's assessment of Iraq's military capabilities on Monday, such a withdrawal appeared to be quite distant, and further away than any American officials have previously stated in public. Mr. Qadir's comments are likely to become a factor in political debate over the war. All of the Democratic presidential candidates have promised a swift American withdrawal, while the leading Republican candidates have generally supported President Bush's plan. Now that rough dates have been attached to his formula, they will certainly come under scrutiny from both sides. Senior Pentagon and military officials said Mr. Qadir had been consistent throughout his weeklong visit in pressing that timeline, and also in laying out requests for purchasing new weapons through Washington's program of foreign military sales. "According to our calculations and our timelines, we think that from the first quarter of 2009 until 2012 we will be able to take full control of the internal affairs of the country," Mr. Qadir said in an interview on Monday, conducted in Arabic through an interpreter. "In regard to the borders, regarding protection from any external threats, our calculation appears that we are not going to be able to answer to any external threats until 2018 to 2020," he added. He offered no specifics on a timeline for reducing the number of American troops in Iraq. His statements were slightly less optimistic than what he told an independent United States commission examining the progress of Iraqi security forces last year, according to the September report of the commission, led by a former NATO commander, Gen. James L. Jones of the Marines, who is retired. Then Mr. Qadir said he expected that Iraq would be able to fully defend its borders by 2018. Mr. Qadir was in the United States to discuss the two nations' long-term military relationship, starting with how to build the new Iraqi armed forces from the ground up over the next decade and beyond, with American assistance. The United States and Iraq announced in November that they would negotiate formal agreements on that relationship, including the legal status of American military forces remaining in Iraq and an array of measures for cooperation in the diplomatic and economic arenas. Negotiations have yet to begin in earnest, but both countries have begun sketching their goals, and Mr. Qadir's visit certainly is part of measures by the Iraqi government to lay the foundation for those talks, which are to be completed by July. "This trip is indicative of where we are in our military relationship with Iraq," said Geoff Morrell, the Pentagon press secretary. "We are transitioning from crisis mode, from dealing with day-to-day battlefield decisions, to a long-term strategic relationship." Mr. Morrell said the goal was to end a period in which Iraq has been a military dependent and build a relationship with Iraq as "a more traditional military partner." Meanwhile, Mr. Qadir sketched out a shopping list that included ground vehicles and helicopters, as well as tanks, artillery and armored personnel carriers. Those, he said, are needed as Iraq moves toward taking full responsibility for internal security. In the years after that, as his nation assumes full control over its defense against foreign threats, Iraq will need additional aircraft, both warplanes and reconnaissance vehicles, he said. Pentagon officials said that Mr. Qadir's visit, which includes the usual agenda of meetings at the Pentagon, White House and on Capitol Hill, was expanded to include his first talks with commanders of American headquarters that are responsible for long-term military planning, training, personnel development and doctrine. Mr. Qadir, a career armor officer who commanded Iraqi troops who fought alongside Marine Corps forces during the battle for Falluja in 2004, spent part of Monday here, at the headquarters of the Army's Training and Doctrine Command, where he questioned senior officers on how the ground force trains its leaders, from sergeants through senior officers. Even in wartime, "it is a requirement for somebody to think about the future," said Gen. William S. Wallace, the Army's training and doctrine commander. While Army training cannot ignore "the urgency of the next assignment," General Wallace told his visitor, the complexity of modern warfare proved the importance of the Army's program of pulling its leadership out of the fight on a routine schedule to take courses on tactics, operations and strategy, as well as logistics. At a meeting with senior officers at the nearby Joint Forces Command, Mr. Qadir was told of the American military's latest efforts at synchronizing the efforts of its ground, air and naval forces for combat, and to use computer exercises to train headquarters units for deployment. "We are keenly aware that you are not engaged in an exercise in your country," said Gen. James N. Mattis of the Marine Corps, the Joint Forces commander. General Mattis acknowledged how different the dialogue with Mr. Qadir was on Monday from when the two served together in Falluja. Iraq is still at war, General Mattis said, but Mr. Qadir is carrying out the traditional functions of any regular defense minister. It is a positive development that "it is just the norm to have an Iraqi come and visit us," General Mattis said. |