U.S. Air Force: Iraqi
drones not usable as weapons
CNews (Canada)
Sun, August 24, 2003
(AP) - Huddled over a fleet of abandoned Iraqi drones, U.S.
weapons experts in Baghdad came to one conclusion: Despite the
Bush administration's public assertions, these unmanned aerial
vehicles weren't designed to dispense biological or chemical
The evidence gathered this summer matched the dissenting views
of U.S. air force intelligence analysts who argued before the war
with Iraq that the remotely piloted planes were unarmed
reconnaissance drones.
In building a case for war, senior officials in the
administration of President George W. Bush had said Iraq's drones
were intended to deliver unconventional weapons. Secretary of
State Colin Powell even raised the alarming prospect that the
pilotless aircraft could sneak into the United States to carry
out poisonous attacks on American cities.
The administration based its view on a Central Intelligence
Agency finding that Iraq had renewed development of sophisticated
unmanned aerial vehicles - UAVs - capable of such attacks. The
Pentagon's Defence Intelligence Agency also supported this
While the hunt for suspected weapons of mass destruction - and
the means to deliver them - continues, intelligence and defence
officials said the CIA and DIA stand by their prewar assertions
about Iraqi drone capabilities, some of which Powell highlighted
in his Feb. 5 presentation to the UN Security Council.
But the air force, which controls most of the American
military's UAV fleet, didn't agree with that assessment from the
beginning. And analysts at the Pentagon's Missile Defence Agency
said the air force view was widely accepted within their ranks as
Instead, these analysts believed the drones posed no threat to
Iraq's neighbours or the United States, officials in Washington
and scientists involved in the weapons hunt in Iraq told The
Associated Press.
The official air force intelligence dissent is noted in the
October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq's weapons
programs, parts of which were declassified last month as the
administration tried to defend its case for war.
"We didn't see there was a very large chance they (UAVs) would
be used to attack the continental United States," Bob Boyd,
director of the Air Force Intelligence Analysis Agency, said in
an AP interview. "We didn't see them as a big threat to the
Boyd also said there was little evidence to associate Iraq's
UAVs with the country's suspected biological weapons program.
Facilities weren't in the same location and the programs didn't
use the same people.
Instead, the air force believed Iraq's UAV programs were for
reconnad, the air force believed Iraq's UAV programs were for
reconnaissance, as are most American UAVs. Intelligence on the
drones suggested they were not large enough to carry much more
than a camera and a video recorder, Boyd said.
Postwar evidence uncovered in July in Iraq supports those
assessments, according to two U.S. government scientists assigned
to the weapons hunt.
"We just looked at the UAVs and said, 'There's nothing here.
There's no room to put anything in here,"' one of the scientists
The wingspan on drones that Iraqis showed journalists in March
measured 7.5 metres and the aircraft were built like large, white
model air planes.
The U.S. scientists, weapons experts who spoke on condition of
anonymity, reached their conclusions after studying the small
aircraft and interviewing Iraqi missile experts, system designers
and Gen. Ibrahim Hussein Ismail, the Iraqi head of the military
facility where the UAVs were designed. None of the Iraqis
questioned are in U.S. custody.
While the weapons hunters can't be sure they've recovered all
of Iraq's UAVs, the evidence amassed so far, coupled with the
interviews, has led them to believe that none of the drones are
designed for unconventional weapons. Iraqis involved in the
program have insisted the drones were for reconnaissance and
electronic jamming.
Some UAVs were kept north of Baghdad.
Weapons hunters found some drones in better shape than others
with the most important finds located at a facility in the
capital, the U.S. scientists said. Weapons hunters hauled them
back to their base on the outskirts of the Baghdad International
Airport where the parts were analysed.
The unproven U.S. assertion regarding Iraq's UAV programs is
one among many.
American weapons hunters, like their UN counterparts, haven't
reported finding any chemical, biological weapons or nuclear
weapons in Iraq so far.
The lack of success in uncovering unconventional weapons,
after warnings that Iraq posed an immediate danger, has led
critics and some former government analysts to suggest the U.S.
administration exaggerated the threat posed by Saddam.
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